Occlusion Integrator - Help & Install

For more info, go to www.lollipopshaders.com, or email info@lollipopshaders.com


(1) Place the "LollipopShaders" directory wherever you want *

By default the file for the custom Integrator (LSOcclusion) are setup to work for OSX & Windows. If you are on another operating system, COPY & OVERWRITE LSOcclusion.so with the version for your operating system. For example, if you are using Linux then copy LSOcclusion.so from the linux directory to the directory above (the LSOcclusion directory) and overwrite the LSOcclusion.so that's already there. For Windows, its the LSOcclusion.dll

(2) Move LollipopShaders.module to your Maya modules directory (if the modules directory doesn't exist create it: call it modules and put in your maya directory)

On OSX, the "Maya directory" is located here:

On Windows, the “Maya directory” is located here:
/My Documents/maya/2016/modules
/My Documents/maya/modules

(3) In LollipopShaders.module change PATH_TO_THE_LOLLIPOP_SHADERS_DIRCTORY to the path of the LollipopShaders directory (wherever you put it in Step 1)

+ LollipopShaders 1.0 ~/RenderMan/LollipopShaders

(4) Re-Start Maya
You should now see "LollipopShaders" as an Integrator option like this for the trial:

And this for the full version:

Install Video

View 6min Installation video in HD on YouTube

Happy Rendering!

We always love seeing your work, send us your questions and renders to info@lollipopshaders.com